The third trimester

My belly is really heavy, and I’m always short of breath when I move, is everything alright?

As you approach the birth of your child, you will notice that your pregnancy is becoming quite physically and emotionally demanding. Many women will feel uncomfortable due to their baby’s size and position, tending to cause shortness of breath or heartburn after eating. As you approach your due date, you may want to see your doctor more regularly to check on your baby’s health and for any signs of impending labor.

belly is really heavy during the third trimester

Remember that your due date is just an estimate and you may well go past it with no sign of your baby, but remember the wait is almost over!

The Role of Your Hormones in the Third Trimester

Hormones in the third trimester pregnancy

High progesterone levels help loosen the ligaments and joints throughout your body to allow your womb to expand to hold a full-term baby.

Hormones help in preparing your breasts to produce milk to feed your baby. You may find that your breasts will continue to grow and become more tender.

Some women will find they discharge small amounts of watery pre-milk called colostrum during the third trimester.

At the end of my third trimester, how big is my baby?

How big is baby at the end of third trimester

By week 39, your baby is roughly 50.8 cm long and weighs anywhere from 2.7-4.1 kg or possibly more. You won’t know for sure until your baby finally arrives at around 40 weeks of your pregnancy.

At this stage, your baby will have:

A layer of fat to give him/ her that new-born baby cuteness
Fully developed hearing
Mature lungs. The baby will be able to breathe his first breath when he/she arrives in this world.

Full-sized baby:

Average size and weight of fetus = 48cm- 53cm / 2.8kg – 4kg

Get all essential nutrients, including iron, every day. Getting enough iron prevents anemia, which is linked to tiredness, pre-term birth and low-birth weight babies. Ask your doctor about taking a daily prenatal vitamin or iron supplement.

Ergonomic Fashion Design in Late Pregnancy

During this period, the abdomen is bigger and heavier and movement is slower. Design recommendations include wrinkle in front of the chest and larger skirt

pregnancy dress with flower
Wrinkles may be more attractive if decorative boundary is added. Mixing with flower and embroidery on open collar or collarless dress is another option.
rompers for pregnancy
Wearing rompers is recommended too. Rompers can lighten the binding force to the abdomen by sharing the weight using shoulders and also play a role in supporting the belly.
dress for third trimester pregnancy
What is the solution to the problem of frequent urination ? add an adjustable belt which is able to adjust the size of the abdomen.

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