The first trimester

Why do I feel tired and nauseous during the first weeks of pregnancy?

feel tired and nauseous during the first week of pregnant

As soon as you conceive, the estrogen and progesterone in your blood increase, causing certain physiological changes. Throughout your pregnancy, your hormones will work constantly to signal your body to make the necessary changes for your baby and prepare your body for birth and beyond.

The first trimester or 12 weeks of pregnancy can often be difficult, caused by the surge of hormones. But rest assured that high levels of progesterone and estrogen are critical in maintaining your pregnancy and preparing your body for child birth.

What kinds of symptoms should I expect to experience during my first trimester?

The symptoms during first trimester of pregnant
  • Extreme tiredness and fatigue
  • Tender, swollen breasts
  • Upset stomach with or without vomiting (morning sickness)
  • Craving or distaste for certain food
  • Mood swings
  • Constipation
  • Headache
  • Heartburn
  • Feeling sick is a good sign that your pregnancy hormone levels are high.
ergonomic dress of pregnancy

What do you mean by ergonomic dress?

Dress that is designed for efficiency and comfort in the working environment

ergonomic design during early pregnancy

What is the ergonomic design during early pregnancy?

Bare ergonomics design. Ordinary clothes can be worn.

knitwear for early pregnancy

Stretchable knitwear

Cotton stretchable knitwear is the first choice and gives simples and elegant look.

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